Swimming Pool Filters
Swimming Pool Filter Replacement, Media & Repair Services
Swimming Pool Filter Services
Your swimming pool sand filter is a vital part of your pool plant equipment. The swimming pool filters services ensure the pool water always remains crystal clear. We carry out repairs, refurbishment, service, and maintenance on both domestic and commercial filters. When you start to have issues with your pool filter we are on hand to help. Problems with sand in the pool or your pool is not crystal clear, then check your filtation. Be it repairs or replacement to your swimming pool sand filter we can help with our quick response times and honest advice.

Filter Service & Maintenance
How Often Should Filter Maintenance Be Conducted?
PWTAG regulations advise that swimming pool filters are opened up and inspected internally once a year to ensure they’re operating correctly. This is important for two primary reasons. Firstly to make sure any cryptosporidium which gets into the pool water can be removed by the filter. Secondly to ensure your sand filter is in good condition with proper use of flocculant will remove 95% of ocysts from your swimming area.
What Is Involved In A Swimming Pool Filter Service
Ultrasonic Thickness Testing of the swimming pool filter vessel is checked in at least six places. This process ensures that all structural integrity and thickness requirements are met for safe use, but it’s particular attention to corrosion on the sand surface level where the corrosion tends to move prevalent.
The technician inspects the filters sand bed media. The surface of the sand is inspected for evidence that it may be eroded. This indicates whether water has been collected to a depth where under-drains can function properly in their intended capacity as designed by engineers. Depressions or channels on top of the dirt at certain levels indicate how well swimming pool filters are performing. More severe damage indicates trouble with bottom collectors (indicating overflow) or filter performance not meeting design expectations. Either of these results in dirty pools unless corrected promptly. Pipework is checked for leaks and corrosion, while the supports are examined for damage.
The internal filter coating is checked at the top of the filter and to 300 mm below it. The extent of any damage to its lining, corrosion, or wear is noted and photographed for easy viewing by those who want a closer look. This part is most susceptible since that’s where all your water comes in contact with it first before moving down through layers of sand media.
In order to maintain our system and provide the best service possible, we ensure that valves such as butterfly valves, isolation valves, air bleeders, and non-returns are in good working order. All Circulation Pumps and seals are assessed to see if there are any leaks. Once completed, the a Filtration Report is produced with photographic evidence and recommendations for the repairs required.

Filter Media Replacement
Part of our swimming pool filter services is the pool filter meida refurbishment. This includes the isolation and draining of your filters, removing old media from inside them. Pool filters are a vital component of any swimming pool and must be maintained at all times. It is important that they continue to work, as there may not always be someone present who can do so or want the responsibility themselves; additionally, if something goes wrong with your pump system then opening up for inspection will ensure everything has been working properly otherwise you could end up having an incomplete circulation system that leads directly back into one more item on our list: unhealthy bacteria!

Filter System Replacement
Filters are essential for keeping your pool clean and safe, but they can also fail. They are a vital component of any swimming pool and must be always maintained. It is important that they continue to work, as there may not always be someone present in the event of a problem with the system. Incomplete circulation within the system leads directly to unhealthy bacteria build up. In addition if you notice that the filter is damaged or begins leaking it might be time to consider a new one!
There are primarily three options when selecting a new swimming pool filter system. The options include steel epoxy lined filters, GRP or ceramic microfiltration. Carefully selecting your new filter system is critical. Furthermore, if you are finding your filter plant operational costs are high, choosing Filtrex Filters may be the best solution. In many cases filter plant operational costs can be reduced by up to 90% as compared to conventional filters.

Filter Refurbishment
We offer swimming pool filter refurbishment services which include the isolation and draining of the swimming pool filters, remove old media and dispose of it. Inspecting the internal surfaces of steel filters has been made easier by a new process that only requires one layer to be shot-blasted, followed with an application of epoxy. It will take less time and money than traditional methods which required two layers to make sure it was completely covered up.
We will make sure that the filter collection and distribution systems in good working order, if needed this can be replaced. We will refill the filters with new filtration media, refit the filter covers, backwash the system and re-commission them
Pool filters can become corroded or unable to meet modern standards. If this happens, you have three options: steel epoxy lined replacement filters, GRP replacements manufactured with the highest quality assurance in mind and ceramic microfiltration systems that provide crystal clear water while protecting your pool from a variety of pollutants.
We follow the Health & Safety Regulations pertaining to Access Manways. This legislation outlines confined space access regulations.